Many thanks to Elisabeth Rechsteiner for heading up the organization of this years event and a big thank you to SCMRA member Stefan Moeri for volunteering to be the dinner chef for the event. Congratulations to Albert Rechteiner for winning the Jass König title!

Teaching the new generation…..

End of a good game!

Registration Table with Elisabeth Rechsteiner and Fritz Graf

Jass König – Albert Rechsteiner

Top scores for both Handjass and Schieber.
Louis Schurmann – 1st Place / Albert Rechsteiner – 2nd Place / Willi Rieder – 3rd Place

Soraya Renggli, First Price, Handjass and Elisabeth Rechsteiner, Organizer and Presenter

Albert Rechsteiner, Second Place, Handjass

Peter Roth, Third Place, Handjass