The Swiss Canadian Mountain Range Association (SCMRA) is a member of the Shooting Federation of Canada and the Swiss Shooting Federation. The club was incorporated in 1964 under The Societies Act of the Province of British Columbia. We are financially independent and are proud to declare that we have never yet and do not intend to depend on government grants and/or taxpayers’ money.
Our membership totals roughly 130 members and the club is run and managed by volunteers from the membership. We carefully screen new applicants as to their personality and lifestyle. All new applicants have a 6 months probationary period. The aim of our Association is to preserve the Swiss tradition while adhering and adapting to the Canadian way of life.
Besides target shooting we organize several social events for our members and numerous guests. We also host the annual Swiss National Day celebrations. We are the organizers of the “International Match Vancouver”, a postal match which was inaugurated in 1965 at which time 31 clubs participated. The number of clubs from Switzerland and elsewhere, competing in the annual match reached a high of 1000 clubs in 1993 and now still stands at 600 (8000 shooters)
Our facilities are situated on a 21 acre site and are used during all seasons. They include a “Chalet” clubhouse, ranges for 300m Fullbore, 50m Rifle and Pistol, 30m Crossbow, as well as 10m Indoor; all of them equipped with electronic targets. In addition, there is also a Trap range.
We participate on a postal basis in various shooting competitions in Switzerland. Members also compete in an annual club championship, highlighted by a fall shooting festival. This competition is unique in North America, where shooters compete for a best aggregate score in five disciplines: Rifle, Pistol, Smallbore, Trap and Crossbow. Approximately 50 shooters take part each year, coming from as far away as California, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver Island and the Interior of British Columbia.
We enjoy the freedom and opportunity to continue the sport which we learned and know from our country of origin and are grateful to the District of Coquitlam, the Province of British Columbia and our adopted country, Canada.