A 6 year project comes to a close with publishing a two volume set of books taking the club from its foundation in 1964 to present day.
A History Book committee was formed in January 2017 of SCMRA members: Barb Zollinger, Markus Spycher, Marlies Baumann, Ruedi Ernst and Daniel Meier. The books were completed in December 2022. The committee tried its best to represent the true history of the club in chronological order. Many thanks to members for digging into their archives to find pictures and making them available. Some folks went through a lot effort to digitize them. Honorable mention to Robert Best for helping with Editor duties on the Presidents Reports. Acknowledgment must also be given to our founding president Ernst Hiestand for making available his archive of information and providing a lot of memory of peoples names for the pictures.
On behalf of the History Book committee, we hope you enjoy the results!